I decided to visit the ancient tea forests of Jingmai mountain by sampling a 2009 Yunnan Sourcing Nostalgia bing. Due to the low compression, the leaves broke off intact, very pleasant sight. I used about 7 g to 100 mL of spring water.

The wet leaves produced a strong sweet, floral aroma with a touch of grassiness to it. The soup is a golden amber, remarkably clear. This is a clean tea. The soup itself has a sweet taste with some bitterness and astringency, a warming degree of astringency. The bitterness is not too overwhelming, although, many might think this tea needs a few more years.
Despite the bitterness and astringency (I personally enjoy some of this), this tea does have very nice Hui Gan and Qi!

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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My name is Samuel and I’ve been interested in the world of teas for about two years now. I began, as most, experimenting with several varieties of teas. I eventually encountered the world of puerh teas – my tea of choice.

I’m an avid birder and mineral collector. Feel free to message me if you’re interested in either. I am a graduate student in mathematics.



Toronto, Canada

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