Followed by 48 Tea Drinkers

MoxTea 63 followers

MoxTea is a 100% natural herbal blend tea that Boost Energy & Busts Anxie...

Madam Oolong 106 followers

Hi! I’ve been into tea for about a year now, thanks to my good fortune of liv...

DharmaTea 14 followers

We are all the leaves of one tree. We are all the notes of one song. Play on…

sensiblyscript 63 followers

After majoring in Music Education at college, I suddenly became an internet m...

puerhsk 7 followers is dedicated to offer authentic pu-erh tea, mostly from ancient tea...

Blake Driver 9 followers

Tea- It’s a state of mind

Cake Walk 6 followers

There are lots of ste(e)ps on the stairway to heaven




My name is Samuel and I’ve been interested in the world of teas for about two years now. I began, as most, experimenting with several varieties of teas. I eventually encountered the world of puerh teas – my tea of choice.

I’m an avid birder and mineral collector. Feel free to message me if you’re interested in either. I am a graduate student in mathematics.



Toronto, Canada

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