drank Irish Breakfast by Adagio Teas
7 tasting notes

I got 1-4 oz. tin each of this and Earl Grey Bravo for Christmas and I absolutely burned through the Earl Grey and have moved on to Irish Breakfast. The only other time I had this tea before was at about 7 a.m. after staying up all night finishing a biochem paper before running off to turn it in and take the final exam. I made it about two times two strong, WAAAY over steeped it and didn’t add milk or sugar. It was awful, but MAN was I awake!

So now I drink this mostly at work , where I have a timer and some whole milk and either sugar or Splenda (I prefer sugar, but feel like I have to add 3 to a normal cup to taste it at all. If you like your hot tea sweet, Splenda is the way to go!). I enjoy it everyday and will for a long time or…or at least until my order of Earl Grey gets here!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I’m a twenty-something lab tech living in SE Michigan. I never drank tea when I was younger, so I’m trying just about everything and enjoying it very much.

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