Followed by 4 Tea Drinkers

Avrilkira 10 followers

My parents are British so I grew up drinking tea (usually earl grey or orange...

Erin 65 followers

New tea lover. Not an expert, I just love tea :) Mom to two little boys, cur...

TassieTeaGirl 60 followers

I remember getting my first cup of tea at about the age of 8. Just a standard...

BlueKittyMeow 90 followers

I’m a writer and as such, am obviously an emotional rollercoaster. I used to ...



Hello. :)
Chances are, I should probably doing homework… or working on one of a million things. Tea and fuzzy blankets are just so much better though! Oh well, here goes nothing:
My name is Victoria, and I’m currently ploughing my way through a degree in political science. I live on the west coast of Vancouver Island and absolutely love it, although I’m always off planning some massive trip to be somewhere else. I’m also one of those people who not only is always busy, but the rare times when I’m not, I make sure to force myself to be.
That’s where tea is such a wonderful thing. It’s a hobby “to go”. :)


Victoria, B.C. Canada

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