This is something that I received at the Montreal Tea Festival, and I’ve previously reviewed it as well since it was being served during the festival. I’ve been meaning to brew this up Gongfu ever since getting it, but there’s just so many teas and so little time that it took awhile for me to finally get to it…
I’m actually livid about how this session turned out though – and to no fault of the tea. I was about two very lovely, very floral infusions in when I started to smell the worst smell ever from the kitchen. It got so bad, so quickly that I started to feel like I was going to throw up. I very cautiously left my tea table and ventured out to where one of my roommates was cooking, and the smell in the kitchen honestly smelled like someone was boiling cat piss on the stove. I know that sometimes that are, shall we say, “cultural differences” in how different people perceive the cooking of ethnic cuisine different from what they grew up with so I tried to ask my roommate what in God’s name she was cooking as tactfully as I could…
“Hey – what are you making? It smells… uh… unique!?”
“Oh, it’s apparently the world’s smelliest pasta! I thought it would be a fun and unique experience to try it out!”
Like – if you’re going to cook the “world’s smelliest” anything don’t you think it should be common courtesy to at the very least give your roommates a head’s up!? I’m two closed doors from where you’re cooking and the smell coming into my room has me on the cusp of vomiting. How long is our house gonna smell like ammonia and dead people!? Maybe turn a fucking fan on!?
So, suffice to say, I did not finish my tea session. The whole experience was ruined. Instead I sprayed Fabreze around my bedroom door and hid under my blankets for twenty minutes until the smell went away. I felt sick for hours afterwards though…
Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/B5gSsQcAzua/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YVxT-Wg_h4