Sipping on this while watching this week’s episode of Marvel’s Runaways on Hulu! Once again, I highly recommend checking it out if you’re into super hero stuff! Basically, it follows around a group of six teenagers as they find out that A) their parents are super villains and B) that the majority of them have various forms of super powers/super power type abilities! One of ’em even has a pet dinosaur!
It’s great.
Anyway; this tea is pretty great too. Not fantastic or mind blowing but I mean solid enough. After sipping on this cup for the bulk of the episode I’m finding it’s very consistent with the first time I had it; medium to full bodied with a decently present black base and then a flavour profile that’s just a little more reminiscent of yogurt rather than cheesecake. Yeah, like a somewhat tangy raspberry Greek yogurt.
I have mixed feelings about Marvel — I really liked Jessica Jones, but I couldn’t get through Daredevil and I tapped out somewhere in the third season of Agents of Shield. I guess I was just feeling like Marvel was doing the same things over and over. Is Runaways noticeably different from these other shows?
You’ll 100% get a different vibe from Runaways than the Marvel properties that Netflix has tackled which are much darker/gritty, and Agents of Sheild which is very tied in to the Marvel movies/references them heavily. This one is FAR REMOVED from the rest of Marvel’s properties.
I mean, both Runaways and all the properties that build up to The Defenders (Netflix stuff) deal with more “street level” threats (no alien invasions/world scale threats like The Avengers) but this is very much “ragtag group of teenagers rebelling against their parents, who happen to be an organization of villains with cryptic/mysterious motives”.
Thanks for explaining, that does sound different and very cool :D I’ll check it out!
@Jillian — Agent Carter totally deserved a longer run.
I have mixed feelings about Marvel — I really liked Jessica Jones, but I couldn’t get through Daredevil and I tapped out somewhere in the third season of Agents of Shield. I guess I was just feeling like Marvel was doing the same things over and over. Is Runaways noticeably different from these other shows?
I’m still pissed off at them for cancelling Agent Carter.
You’ll 100% get a different vibe from Runaways than the Marvel properties that Netflix has tackled which are much darker/gritty, and Agents of Sheild which is very tied in to the Marvel movies/references them heavily. This one is FAR REMOVED from the rest of Marvel’s properties.
I mean, both Runaways and all the properties that build up to The Defenders (Netflix stuff) deal with more “street level” threats (no alien invasions/world scale threats like The Avengers) but this is very much “ragtag group of teenagers rebelling against their parents, who happen to be an organization of villains with cryptic/mysterious motives”.
Thanks for explaining, that does sound different and very cool :D I’ll check it out!
@Jillian — Agent Carter totally deserved a longer run.
I just started watching Runaways last night, and am easily hooked.
(Thirding the opinion that Agent Carter was unfairly cut down before its time)