drank Ginger Green by Teaopia
16 tasting notes

Following my tradition of procrastination I only have a couple teaspoons of this left and am debating between writing this and just letting this sit in my tea chest indefinitely. Unfortunately I really need the space for new tea – it has crossed my mind to just get a bigger tea chest, but then I’ll have to start considering when a chest can start being classified as a trunk, and how much weight can sit atop my fridge. So time to get off my butt (actually I’ll still be sitting on my butt so there’s a bit of a bright side) and share my opinion.

This tea is a great combination of green tea and ginger, and I’ve found that the taste carries through all the way to the third steeping.

On the negative side, I have messed up this tea more then once. Both by over steeping and using water that was too hot. Yes I know to be careful with water temp, and I’m OK with being careful, but I don’t want to have be uptight about it, a little leeway would be nice. And as I’ve mentioned before I do appreciate teas that will let me just throw the leaves into my travel tea thermos and leave them there, this one won’t cooperate with that.

Finally, the most pressing issue with my Teaopia teas: will I stock up on this one? The answer is no, and it’s not even an “I need to win the lottery” issue. I simply have found I get the same flavour from plain green tea with some fresh ginger thrown in.

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OK I’m just going to do a short bio now so I can follow other people’s tea blogs without seeming too creepy, I promise to do a better (and more interesting) one soon. So probably in a couple of years.
I recently finished my college degree and and have my fingers crossed to get accepted into my grad school of choice. Once my education is all finished I want to be a librarian, mostly so I can drink tea while surrounded by books all day (and get paid for it!!) while encouraging all librarian stereotypes with my knit cardigans, pulled back hair, and glasses.
I’ve been drinking herbal tea with my mother (who I also got onto this site – HI MOMMY!!) for as long as I can remember. I started buying Orange Pekoe grounds (let’s face it there’s nothing leaf like about them) for myself in high school for the caffeine boost, and have been buying loose leaf teas ever since.
When I have to explain my love of tea to others these are generally the reasons I give:
1.) It’s like a hug in a cup, there’s something incredibly soothing about holding a warm mug and smelling your favourite scent.
2.) Although I didn’t start drinking tea for the health benefits, I will definitely enjoy them. Lower LDL levels? Protection against heart disease? Healthier skin? Yes please, sign me up.
3.) I’m a celiac and was diagnosed when I was 13, which was late enough in life that I know exactly what I’m missing out on. I don’t really care that cake tea, or s’mores tea has less calories than the actual product, but I do LOVE that I can sit and smell things I’ve missed while tasting something that’s similar (and often better than their gluten free replicas).


British Columbia, Canada

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