drank Snow Day by DAVIDsTEA
338 tasting notes

This is on par with White Chocolate Frost – peppermint and chocolate are pretty much the same to me, regardless of whatever base the tea is, or whatever other ingredients you throw into the mix. This was good as an after dinner tea, and it’s one I’ll probably get more of at some point before the collection goes away.

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Tea flavours/profiles that are my favourite:

-Straight black tea (especially Earl Greys and Darjeelings)
-Fruits (especially strawberry, peach, lemon, and pineapple)
-Flavoured green tea

My Tea Rating Scale (just to have a little bit of consistency):

Under 50: Ugh. Terrible.
50-60: Disappointing – I don’t think I’ll be getting any more of this.
61-75: Decent – I’ll finish what I have, and I may consider buying again.
76-89: Very enjoyable – I would definitely consider getting more.
90-100: I LOVE IT – I will do what I can to keep a permanent stash on my shelf.


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