I seem to be amassing red/black & green teas at the moment so I’m trying to sip them down. This was one of those mornings that a cold snap in the night, and lack of decent sleep had made everything cold & I was dozy. So, I broke out these wonderful soft golden furls & stuck them in my Gaiwan & had three quick steeps before stopping. I used a small pinch in my 160ml & did 10/20/45 seconds just off boiling.

This one is interesting as its a Mao Feng which has been processed into something like a Dian Hong

By the 2nd steep I had that caffeine hit that is like tinnitus in your head, and was up running around trying to tidy everything at once while showering myself :D

As for taste, I agree with CCR that there is some fruity something in the aroma, I actually have found this one quite soft. All the standard malt & chocolate hints, but also this other note which is definitely like tomatoes. Thick & soft mouth.

I always give my red/black/gold teas to my friends who as for an English breakfast blend as its the closest I have, this one is perfect for that. Great pick-me-up tea for the cold mornings

I didnt get much floral notes, probably need a different steep parameter but its a bit strong caffeine-wise for me even flash steeped like this

Flavors: Chocolate, Fruity, Malt

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 2 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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Artist, electronic musician, photographer, asian food, vinyasa yoga, chemistry, biology, physics, spirituality, mind expansion, scifi, Comics, Books, computers, tea.

Basically loads of Fenghuang, jade oolong & sheng puerh.

90+ is godly

80-90 is something i would buy again.

60-80 ok, but probably more bland or basic in their flavour.

0-60 something tastes wrong with this one.

Russell_alderton on instamagrams


Black Dragon st, UK.



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