TTB #6
Okay, Oriental Beauty, here it is! I was the most excited about this one of the whole Traveling Tea Box (which means REALLY TERRIBLY excited) but I must say that it failed to meet my expectations somewhat. I mean, it’s still a great tea. There’s natural sweetness to it, in both scent and flavor. I can see where the “fermented” part is coming from, even though I’ve had hardly any fermented oolongs before (more fermented than roasted, that is) and I do think it’s very unique. But I find the whole experience rather… flat? Like there’s not much body to it? Perhaps it’s because of the way I steeped it (1 tsp/8 oz for 4,5 minutes at 190F?). I’ll try to resteep the leaves again before I attempt to rate it.
EDIT: Okay, I resteeped it for about 5 minutes at 195F and I still fail to notice much of complexity in it. Perhaps its subtlety is its greatest quality? It is not one I would crave for or even think about after it’s gone. It is still a great quality tea, definitely enjoyable and interesting. This oriental beauty just doesn’t seem to be my type of beauty, that’s all.
Flavors: Earth, Flowers
A lot of Butikis require 1 tsp/6 oz, so for 8 oz you might want to overleaf slightly. I’m interested to see what you think of the resteep, though!
Hi Kat_Maria-For that specific tea, we suggest 2 teaspoons per 8oz of water, steeped for 4 minutes. I hope this helps. :)
Yeah, the resteep is in the making. I would still give this tea about 80 rating as it is, because it is really good and unique. It’s just that I expected God knows what from it :D Ah, the expectations, they can always spoil the best things.
Thanks, Stacey :) It’s just that since it’s a part of Travelling Tea Box, I did not want to use too much of the tea – so that others after me can try it. But I think I am just going to resteep what I have (which is a bit over 1 tsp) for about 5-6 minutes and see how it tastes :)
A lot of Butikis require 1 tsp/6 oz, so for 8 oz you might want to overleaf slightly. I’m interested to see what you think of the resteep, though!
Hi Kat_Maria-For that specific tea, we suggest 2 teaspoons per 8oz of water, steeped for 4 minutes. I hope this helps. :)
Yeah, the resteep is in the making. I would still give this tea about 80 rating as it is, because it is really good and unique. It’s just that I expected God knows what from it :D Ah, the expectations, they can always spoil the best things.
Thanks, Stacey :) It’s just that since it’s a part of Travelling Tea Box, I did not want to use too much of the tea – so that others after me can try it. But I think I am just going to resteep what I have (which is a bit over 1 tsp) for about 5-6 minutes and see how it tastes :)
*Stacy. Oops!
No worries on the added e. :) I definitely understand about expectations and even hype being an issue. That happens to me all the time with tea.