Peppermint hot chocolate is my holiday guilty pleasure. I’d also like to mention KitKats and PC Chocolate Cookie Spreads (ate a whole jar of it once! Though times were bad then.), but let’s stick to the seasonal one, yes? ;)
Straight-up peppermint tea does not sit well with me – it’s definitely got a nice refreshing sensation I can appreciate, but take that away and all I get is the water left over from briefly boiling vegetables. However, put peppermint in a rich medium like chocolate, heat it nice and piping hot, add a dollop of whip, and you get a fulfilling cup of magic that warms you all the way up, yet the real magic is that it cools you just enough after so you don’t overheat either.
Now, this drink: the medium is no rich hot chocolate, but the black tea wraps up the peppermint leaves quite well. This satisfies me. However, it cannot compare to my holiday guilty pleasure that is peppermint hot chocolate – but this way, I can safely have my pleasure without the guilt.
Final thoughts? I’d really love to try this in latte form!