:( I do not like not being sure if I have logged a tea before.
I knew I had this though, I just wasn’t sure how but thankfully my note isn’t way down hiding. I for some reason thought I tried it iced before but didn’t. Well good then. I am drinking it iced with some condensed milk. It looks a lot like Thai iced tea.
It’s okay. Like last time I think it could use more coconut. The creaminess is definitely there, and I think sweetening it up in this manner takes away from the gross rooibos taste.
I have the old version though so maybe the new one will be more to my tastes. Of course I have no intention of finding out anytime soon because I. DO. NOT. NEED. MORE. TEA.
Thank you! It’s my parakeet, Sebastian. Here’s his full body since his coloring is why I picked him out (other than the fact he was being cute): https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1005859_10200192572086011_788828414_n.jpg
I like your new profile pic! What kind of bird is it?
Thank you! It’s my parakeet, Sebastian. Here’s his full body since his coloring is why I picked him out (other than the fact he was being cute): https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1005859_10200192572086011_788828414_n.jpg
And he has two feet he just really loves to get comfortable and tuck one up haha.
Wow! He is super pretty! Just gorgeous!