Ok, moving on to the next tea, this already makes me want the subscription. Since it’ll cost me about half a day of work per month I may have to go for it once I actually do get paid…eee.

So with this sample I just decided to use it all and make an 7-8 oz cup with it.

This is like my third or fourth sheng and I don’t like them as much as shu so we’ll see how this one goes.

It really tastes like olive oil, minus the weird texture there would be from consuming ounces of olive oil. I’ve only had one decent olive oil ever and it wasn’t even this green tasting…of course most of those are too much money for my tastes. I definitely taste the holy basil too. It’s not spicy but more herbal.

Third steep was getting into that hard astringency I don’t like with sheng.

Fourth steep…I can’t drink this. That astringency has become stronger and SHARP.

One day I’ll get there. But once I hit this point I just can’t bring myself to keep steeping and see if it moves past that.


Have you considered sacrificing the 4th steep and moving on to 5? Instead of sacrificing potentially 3 steeps especially if it does move past that. I have never made 6 or 7 steeps like some of the people on here but if you’re just curious to see what it does, it’s something to consider. I mean, people taste wine without drinking, so the concept of spitting doesn’t shock me, nor does it strike me as wasteful.


I rarely drink the entire cup of a steep so I can move on but I have a strong issue with tasting something I don’t like and being able to keep drinking that same thing. I just get afraid of it continuing to taste like that and I really, really don’t want another sip, so I can’t bring myself to drink it anymore even if it were to change. Four steeps of a sheng is a lot better than my first, which was one steep and one sip haha.

adagio breeze

Not tea-related: what characteristics do you like in an olive oil? I like most of the ones I’ve tried, so maybe you have a more discerning palate than I do.


I like when they’re lighter feeling and you can taste a fruitiness to them. I buy some stupidly cheap one so it has none of that, but I had a really, really small amount of one from California and it was really good…I am saving up for this one http://georgiaolivefarms.com/gof/store/


oh well the one I want isn’t even on there right now but this is its description “Our Pure Georgia Arbequina oil is only available in limited quantities each harvest season. This oil is 100% Georgia grown, EVOO. Its Green and buttery with a fruity finish.”

adagio breeze

Wow, I didn’t even know they grew olives in Georgia!
I prefer the fruitier oils myself, even though a more peppery flavor is supposed to indicate better quality and/or more health benefits.

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Have you considered sacrificing the 4th steep and moving on to 5? Instead of sacrificing potentially 3 steeps especially if it does move past that. I have never made 6 or 7 steeps like some of the people on here but if you’re just curious to see what it does, it’s something to consider. I mean, people taste wine without drinking, so the concept of spitting doesn’t shock me, nor does it strike me as wasteful.


I rarely drink the entire cup of a steep so I can move on but I have a strong issue with tasting something I don’t like and being able to keep drinking that same thing. I just get afraid of it continuing to taste like that and I really, really don’t want another sip, so I can’t bring myself to drink it anymore even if it were to change. Four steeps of a sheng is a lot better than my first, which was one steep and one sip haha.

adagio breeze

Not tea-related: what characteristics do you like in an olive oil? I like most of the ones I’ve tried, so maybe you have a more discerning palate than I do.


I like when they’re lighter feeling and you can taste a fruitiness to them. I buy some stupidly cheap one so it has none of that, but I had a really, really small amount of one from California and it was really good…I am saving up for this one http://georgiaolivefarms.com/gof/store/


oh well the one I want isn’t even on there right now but this is its description “Our Pure Georgia Arbequina oil is only available in limited quantities each harvest season. This oil is 100% Georgia grown, EVOO. Its Green and buttery with a fruity finish.”

adagio breeze

Wow, I didn’t even know they grew olives in Georgia!
I prefer the fruitier oils myself, even though a more peppery flavor is supposed to indicate better quality and/or more health benefits.

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