Ok, sheng puerh experiment comes to a close for the time being, and now I am going to something that is hardly tea, hahaha.
I have been meaning to drink this since I got it about 2 weeks ago and I’ve just kept putting it off. I was even sitting here thinking, what was it I wanted to try? Ahh yes, cookie dough!
I was surprised by the temperature recommendation but I used 195 instead because I can.
There is one massive walnut that made its way into this cup so I’m hoping I like it. Walnut just doesn’t do it for me in tea, though the other times I’ve had walnut it’s been black teas so maybe this is different.
Man, this is what I wish that Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride tea tasted like! Except that this is definitely chocolate chip cookies. Dough, not so much. It smells like dough but it definitely tastes baked.
As it cools, the chocolate chip taste comes out a lot more. But through and through this is cookies, for sure. No need to even sweeten it.