drank SoHo Blend by Harney & Sons
1220 tasting notes

Well. I just learned something completely disappointing. One of my favorite hockey players, whose jersey I own while the team was here in Atlanta, got a DUI in his native Czech Republic. He had a .20% BAC level while driving a BMW M6, which kind of says, “I have a lot of money and you know, I probably have it for a cab fare.” I am so angry I can’t even think.

So I need something happy. Chocolate! I’ve been meaning to try this sample from Alphakitty and now is the time.

This is really good. I think the flower petals even add a little something to it. It has a good chocolate flavor, enhanced by the base. As usual it’s not chocolatey enough but I could probably go swim in chocolate right now and not think it wasn’t chocolatey enough. I’m loving the coconut in here too. It lingers after each sip and adds a nice creaminess to the tea without having to add any milk.

I definitely want to get a tin of this!

And now maybe my internet will stay connected so I can post this.


too many hockey players (and others) get in trouble with their fast cars and money! I feel for ya…I’m a HUGE hockey fan! It’s always upsetting and disappointing to hear!


Yeah..I at least figured guys who played in Atlanta would be familiar with Dany Heatley’s accident here and not drink and drive. Money does not get you logic, that’s for sure.


Are you referring to Ondrej Pavelec (this time around) or another/different player?


Yes, Ondrej Pavelec.


Glad you liked it! This is one of my favorite dessert teas for sure.

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too many hockey players (and others) get in trouble with their fast cars and money! I feel for ya…I’m a HUGE hockey fan! It’s always upsetting and disappointing to hear!


Yeah..I at least figured guys who played in Atlanta would be familiar with Dany Heatley’s accident here and not drink and drive. Money does not get you logic, that’s for sure.


Are you referring to Ondrej Pavelec (this time around) or another/different player?


Yes, Ondrej Pavelec.


Glad you liked it! This is one of my favorite dessert teas for sure.

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