drank Amanatsu Oolong by Lupicia
1629 tasting notes

I received this in a swap a while ago I believe from Meghann so thank you!! :) This one smells very good! There are small yellow-white jelly-looking globs and slightly curled up, large, dark green leaves. The scent is light and fruity.

Upon steeping, the leaves unfurled into large, beautiful ones. The liquor was light yellow. Light floral scent. The taste… wow. I was very surprised once I tried it. It is very flavorful yet it is a light type of flavor. I’d say it overpowers the scent, which is generally unusual for me. It tastes like a light tangerine or citrus but the floral tones of the oolong stand out. How delightful!! I’ll have more steeps thank you!

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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I’m someone who happens have an addiction to tea! My tea collection keeps growing and growing, which just means that I’ve got to drink more tea! When life gets a bit too stressful, I love sitting down to a nice, warm cup of tea.

Swap: I am always up for swapping! Take a look at my cupboard and send me a msg! I always send extras since I have too much tea! :)

My cupboard contains all the teas that I own. The teas that are unrated but are in my cupboard are ones that I haven’t opened yet. :)

Likes: chai, all types of teas, dessert teas, Dan Cong & milk oolongs, dragonwell & kukicha greens, flavored rooibos, vanilla anything

Dislikes: bitter
Allergies: Chamomile, Jasmine, Soy



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