I brewed this tea gongfu style at 95 C starting at 45seconds→ 30 seconds → 45 seconds and adding 30 seconds each time until the brews lost their flavor. The tea provided ~6 pleasant infusions
The tea leaves were for the most part whole, with a few cut leaves that brewed up a light-green-yellow color with a sweet and grassy aroma. The mouthfeel of the tea was medium-thick and leaves a lingering vegetal aftertaste in the second infusion, but not much florals. In later steeps, there is a pleasant oily texture that appears on the tongue., while later steeps progress towards light florals and soft vegetal taste with an almost juicy mouthfeel. However, there is sharpness in the throat if brewed up too strong.

Flavors: Astringent, Grass, Sweet, Thick, Vegetal

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec 7 g

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