Following 51 Tea Drinkers

Daylon R Thomas 144 followers

First Off, Current Targets: Whispering Pines Alice Good Luxurious Work Teas W...

ccrtea 21 followers

computational chemist & professor of chemistry

Tabby 553 followers

Quiet, strange, and in love with the world of tea. Living just outside of Atl...

TeaVivre 545 followers

Hello, I am Angel Chen, a tea taster and tea ceremony specialist comes from F...

Inkay 55 followers

I like tea, mostly unflavored. I drink all tea, with a preference for teas fr...

Bitterleaf 91 followers

Co-tea person with my partner @ Bitterleaf Teas, based in Kunming, Yunnan. We...

Stephanie 309 followers

Graphic artist, printmaker, lover of tea. I love pretty much every type of te...

Cwyn 296 followers

eastkyteaguy 215 followers

My grading criteria for tea is as follows: 90-100: Exceptional. I love this s...

snielson222 28 followers

I am a trained Cicerone (Beer sommelier) attempting to transfer my palette an...



Favorite Tea Type: Darker oolong and sheng puerh

Rating Scale:

90-100: Amazing. Will buy and keep on hand all the time if finances and circumstances allow.

80-89: Strong argument for keeping it around all the time, even more than the prospect of trying more new tea. It’s that good.

70-79: Pretty solid. Glad I tried it, several factors that were unique or that I highly enjoyed.

60-69: Nothing that stands out for the most part, but with a quality or two that speaks to me.

50-59: Fairly run of the mill, pleasant but not much more to be said.

40-49: Something here is off putting in an otherwise decent tea.

30-39: There are a few things wrong with this tea. I did not enjoy.

20-29: Disliked this, could maybe see something, some redeeming quality in it others might find worth drinking without spitting back out.

10-19: Begin to question whether any tea is actually, in fact, better than no tea.

0-9: This causes actual food poisoning.



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