Mmm. This has a definite honey taste. Not a fake honey either, but a real honey. I get no nut taste at all, though. The black tea base is very nice. I can’t tell if it is the honey or the tea base that gives it a noticeable dryness which increases as the cup cools.
Overall, though, I will say that the initial impression of the 4 Kally teas I have tried thus far is that they are some of the smoothest black teas I’ve had. I’m not sure I’ll keep this around but I will certainly enjoy it while it lasts!
Update: It does resteep decently for a second cup, though the honey is lessened a bit.
I just got this today – it was my Black Friday order. :) So I got plenty of this to last me awhile and to share. :)
Haha yeah because of the double up, Indigobloom and I went in together on a purchase so it was like it was all 50% off. I think we each picked up like 19 teas haha for about 20$
Makes me excited for my Black Friday order coming from them
I just got this today – it was my Black Friday order. :) So I got plenty of this to last me awhile and to share. :)
Haha yeah because of the double up, Indigobloom and I went in together on a purchase so it was like it was all 50% off. I think we each picked up like 19 teas haha for about 20$
Yeah, it was a great deal. I’m pretty sure some folks are getting tea for Christmas. :)
19 tea’s?! Wow!
Bonnie yeah…. Prices were totally reasonable since it was basically 50% off and getting 2oz each….and then we figured might as well hit the free shipping mark….aaaand I had a 15% off coupon since it was my first order. So yeah lol