I love tea. I love wine. So it goes to reason that when I saw this tea, I really just had to try it. The dry leaf is various sizes of black and brown leaves and smells rich. There is another aspect of the scent that is familiar, but I can’t place it. I brewed 2tsp in boiling water for 5 minutes per the vendor’s instructions. The tea brews up a brown-red shade. Very red for a black tea, but hey, it is supposed to be like wine. The taste of the tea is very interesting….astringent yet smooth. Very much like a good red wine.
But since this is an English Breakfast blend, it needs to pass the test of additives. Taken with a pinch of sugar and a dab of milk, the winey qualities are still able to come through but the astringency is a bit subdued. Which for me is good. There is a fruity character to it (again, with the wine). I like this. I have to say that this is the most unique English Breakfast I’ve had. In fact, it may be the most unique tea I’ve had.