These leaves are huge, it was really hard to measure out the right size portion for my teapot, but I managed :)

To be fair, I’ve been a bit on the sick side the past few days so my taste may be off. The smell out of the package was interesting and very sweet and bakey…like the smell of a strawberry cake in the oven. I don’t usually like white tea, so hopefully this will change my mind. This brews up a very pale color, almost clear, which I guess is typical for white tea. The taste is good, there actually is a taste. With white tea, I usually just get scented hot water, but this has a taste. Maybe adding a bit of sweetener will bring out the strawberry more….I’ll be right back…

Okay, I added just a scant bit of sugar. WOW! What a difference a little sweetener makes! The strawberry is actually at the forefront now, although the bakey type smell doesn’t translate into the taste. I wonder if a bit of milk would really transform this into more of a dessert tea, but I’m a little scared to try it because the tea is so light to begin with. Maybe another day.

I’m rating this tea based on it being the only white tea to date that I would love to have more of. I don’t know if I will order this when my sample is done, but it is possible.

1 min, 30 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

“These leaves are huge, it was really hard to measure out the right size portion for my teapot, but I managed” … exactly why I bought a tea scale (I’m a lover of whites and oolongs so this is constantly a problem for me).

mpierce87 15 years ago

You know what, I have a scale that I could have used, it really didn’t occur to me. How much should a serving weigh?

Cofftea 15 years ago

I like 2.25g/6oz water for whites.

mpierce87 15 years ago

Thanks, I will definately try measuring the tea the next time I try this. I may wait a few days though, I don’t want to go through all my sample before I can taste it properly.

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Cofftea 15 years ago

“These leaves are huge, it was really hard to measure out the right size portion for my teapot, but I managed” … exactly why I bought a tea scale (I’m a lover of whites and oolongs so this is constantly a problem for me).

mpierce87 15 years ago

You know what, I have a scale that I could have used, it really didn’t occur to me. How much should a serving weigh?

Cofftea 15 years ago

I like 2.25g/6oz water for whites.

mpierce87 15 years ago

Thanks, I will definately try measuring the tea the next time I try this. I may wait a few days though, I don’t want to go through all my sample before I can taste it properly.

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Formally known as mrawlins2

I am a former coffee drinker turned tea lover.

Black tea is probably my favorite type of tea, but I rather enjoy most types… I’m even developing a taste for pu-erh.

Rating Scale:
0-10: This tea is either flavorless or just plain undrinkable. I will avoid these teas in the future.

11-20: I was only able to make it through a few sips before pouring the tea out.

21-30: I may have been able to make it through the first cup but the thought of having another has me cringing.

31-40: Teas in this range are not horrible, but nothing I would seek out in the future.

41-60: Would drink if offered, but would not purchase for myself.

61-70: Okay, nothing special

71-80: Enjoyable, but I have to be in the mood for these. Probably would purchase if I found a really great price.

81-90: Pretty good tea, will probably be one of my favorites.

91-95: These teas are really excellent. I wouldn’t necessarily run out and buy more of these (just because there are so many teas out there that I haven’t tried), but I would miss this tea.

96-99: Terrific, very impressive.

100: This special rating is reserved for teas that are absolutely perfect in my opinion. I will only give out a rating of 100 to one tea per category (Earl Grey, unflavored black, dessert tea, Irish Breakfast, etc). These are teas that I really want to have around.

Perfect Teas so Far:

Earl Grey: Saint Isaac’s Blend (Russian Earl Grey) from Upton

Dessert Tea: Marco Polo from Mariage Freres

Unflavored Black: Emperor’s Red from Premium Steap



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