I keep trying to like this tea and I just can’t do it. It’s not bad, but it only tastes like cherry (which I guess should be expected). It’s not too sweet, but I can’t taste the green tea at all. :( Since I’m not much of a fan of cherry (only have this because it was a gift), it’s disappointing to not have any of that green tea taste to counteract it.

2 min, 30 sec

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A friend once asked me, if I could have anything in the world, what would I want? I immediately answered, “Superpowers, specifically superspeed like the Flash.” He said that didn’t count because it wasn’t real, so my second choice was a cupboard full of every flavor of tea in existence. He promptly told me that that was a waste of a wish and said he would ask for the world’s biggest yacht.

But the more I think about it, the more I’m sure that I made the better choice. Slowly saving up money for higher quality teas is helping to convince me. Off I go to taste as many teas as I possibly can (and maybe dream about superpowers along the way).

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