Followed by 12 Tea Drinkers

lindsayb 35 followers

Oh how my love of tea has grown since my first sip of Candy Apple Tea from Te...

samanfar 12 followers

Margaret D. 11 followers

Hi! I’m a Davidstea addict. :)

Frost (Mags) 18 followers

I’m a pretty happy person. I love tea, although black and herbals are my fav...

Megan Low 24 followers

Open to Tea Swaps :) I’m a 23 year old tea drinking travel enthusiast. Curren...

teawithkayla 28 followers

I review teas on my blog and have an Instagram aswell:

Cassandra Gordon 2 followers

I have always loved tea. My mom used to let me have tea and cookies when I wa...

Haylee 5 followers


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