I bought Genmai Hojicha the other day when I asked the guy working at Davids Tea to give me a few teas which I probably wouldn’t buy otherwise. This was one of them. Green tea, with rice? Definitely something I wouldn’t have tried otherwise, but I’m glad that I asked for the guys suggestions!

The rice surprisingly adds a lot to the taste of this tea. The roasted green tea leaves are interesting enough, but the the roasted rice adds a really unique flavour. The tea is naturally a bit bitter, so it’s not for you if you like sweet teas. The rice balances it out a little bit, but the bitterness of the green tea is more pronounced. The toasty taste and smell of Genmai Hojicha makes for a very satisfying experience, it seems like the perfect tea to drink next to a wood stove fire.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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90-100: I will continue to buy and restock this tea.

80-89: I will most likely restock this tea.

70-79: I would consider restocking this tea.

60-69: It’s unlikely that I would restock this tea.

50-59: I’ll finish what I have, but I won’t restock this tea.

40-49: I’ll likely try to trade or give the rest of this tea to a friend.

30-39: I’ll drink a cup of this tea again if offered, but only if there’s nothing better.

20-29: I’ll drink a cup of this tea again only if it’s given to me, if offered, I’ll decline.

10-19: I’ll drink a cup of this tea again if it’s given to me, but only to be polite.

0-9: I will not drink this tea again unless under very special circumstances.

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