So sad this is no longer available at Starbucks. This has been my go to tea latte for years!! And of course being a tea newb back then it never occurred to me that instead of paying $4+ per drink, to just buy the tin and make them myself. The fact that Teavana took over Starbucks recently and swapped out the Tazo tea was the ‘kick in the butt’ I needed to purchase the tin. To be honest I have 3 tins of this at home… Whoops. It was hard to come by so I wanted to stock up!

I’m happy I stocked up as I love this tea! I tried it as just a straight plain tea tonight and it was still delicious (even though I’m used to the latte version). Its got sort of an apple=y taste. Not just straight vanilla but delicious none the less and will always be a favourite. Going to try it as a home made latte next time :)

It tastes rather sweet and most of all like … Vanilla Rooibos Parfait: one of a kind!

Flavors: Apple, Rooibos, Vanilla

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Open to Tea Swaps :)

I’m a 23 year old tea drinking travel enthusiast. Currently I am finishing my bachelor of tourism management degree, due to graduate June 2015. Along with travelling & tea, I LOVE dogs!

Currently I am a mom to 2 ‘fur babies’. I have a blue heeler border collie cross who will be 2 at the end of February 2015, and a 8 month old red heeler (born May, 2014). Technically the red is only half mine as she is really my fathers dog, however I take care of her about 70% of the time :). My dogs are my world! However someday I would love to have human children as well. My boyfriend of 5 years doesn’t understand my need for real babies and/or my obsession with tea!

As for tea, I have slowly become an addict over the past year. My addiction all started with my first purchase at DavidsTea, and well the rest is history… Lets just say I don’t drink much bagged tea anymore. It’s mostly loose leaf in my cupboard and overflowing to the counter.

I am still fairly new to tea, however I have come to discover that my favourite kinds are:
1. Rooibos
2. Herbal
3. Black (however just recently I’ve come to find these teas not as flavourful as I would like)

I mainly shop DavidsTea as I have not been able to branch myself out much further, however I am open to suggestions and also TEA SWAPS!

Rating scale:

1 to 25 —> Undrinkable. YUCK!

26 to 50 —> Really not a fan.

51 to 69 —> Decent. Not something I will need to keep on hand.

70 to 85 —> Yummmmm! Definitely drinkable and potential for permanent shelf stock.

86 to 100 —> AMAZING. Always keeping on stock on my shelf!!


Vancouver Island, BC



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