Found this in my cupboard today… no idea how old it is, but its bagged tea. Bagged tea cant go bad right… right?!

Anyways I took two tea bags to work and threw them both into a cup. This tea is so-so, no wonder its been hiding in my cupboard. This is a take it or leave it kinda tea. Its weak and I had to add both sugar and milk to make it drinkable. I really like teas that I can drink straight. I mean its fine for a bagged black tea and with milk and sugar, however I guess I’m a tea snob now and like my loose leaf. Loose leaf is just way more flavourful. Sorry bagged tea! I couldn’t taste any vanilla in this :(

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Open to Tea Swaps :)

I’m a 23 year old tea drinking travel enthusiast. Currently I am finishing my bachelor of tourism management degree, due to graduate June 2015. Along with travelling & tea, I LOVE dogs!

Currently I am a mom to 2 ‘fur babies’. I have a blue heeler border collie cross who will be 2 at the end of February 2015, and a 8 month old red heeler (born May, 2014). Technically the red is only half mine as she is really my fathers dog, however I take care of her about 70% of the time :). My dogs are my world! However someday I would love to have human children as well. My boyfriend of 5 years doesn’t understand my need for real babies and/or my obsession with tea!

As for tea, I have slowly become an addict over the past year. My addiction all started with my first purchase at DavidsTea, and well the rest is history… Lets just say I don’t drink much bagged tea anymore. It’s mostly loose leaf in my cupboard and overflowing to the counter.

I am still fairly new to tea, however I have come to discover that my favourite kinds are:
1. Rooibos
2. Herbal
3. Black (however just recently I’ve come to find these teas not as flavourful as I would like)

I mainly shop DavidsTea as I have not been able to branch myself out much further, however I am open to suggestions and also TEA SWAPS!

Rating scale:

1 to 25 —> Undrinkable. YUCK!

26 to 50 —> Really not a fan.

51 to 69 —> Decent. Not something I will need to keep on hand.

70 to 85 —> Yummmmm! Definitely drinkable and potential for permanent shelf stock.

86 to 100 —> AMAZING. Always keeping on stock on my shelf!!


Vancouver Island, BC



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