I’m glad I broke this out of the cupboard because I kind of forgot how great this tea is. I was excited to have it again, but going through the exercise of rating it here really demonstrates the excellence of this tea.

Medium bodied, sweet tea with a fantastic aftertaste.

The overwhelming taste for me is honey, but I also get mineral, peach, pear, berry, and grass/hay to balance it out perfectly so it’s not too sweet.

It also gives me a solid l-theanine feeling which goes well with the mellowness of the taste.

Simply put, this is top shelf tea.

All in all, an fabulous tea that will be stored and saved for special occasions, as sadly it’s no longer available for purchase.

Flavors: Berry, Grass, Hay, Honey, Mineral, Peach, Pear

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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I have too many teas and I forget things, so I’m mostly using this site to categorize and note my preferences. But if someone else gets something out of that, that’s great.

I prefer malty, smoky black teas the most for taste, and puer teas for the “kick” they give me. Though I do dabble in other types those are my two mainstays.

90-100 best of the best. these are the teas that I may even hesitate to drink because I don’t want to use them up.

80-89 great and unique in some way, probably a usual in my rotation. I’ll buy it if I’m getting low, unless it’s very expensive.

70-79 very solid but not spectacular. Buy it on sale.

60-69 not necessarily a disappointment. Just okay. Will drink but won’t buy again.

50-59 I’ll be hard pressed to drink these again, but they aren’t gross. They’ll sit in my storage until I’m bored enough to drink again.

<50 I won’t be finishing this off. Getting grosser as the number goes down.



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