During my days off I got lazy and didn’t make my breakfast smoothies (they are so handy before work when I can just pop downstairs, grab it out of the fridge already made, and gulp down before heading out!) so now I’m back to Smoothie Town. I currently have a big bag of frozen mango in the fridge and not wanting to pair the Mango Matcha against it (SO MUCH MANGO!) I was looking for something else that might go well. Since the concensus from everyone was that this tasted “fruity” and not like bubblegum, I figured, why not try it?
The dry powder does smell fruity, but a super sweet, candy-like fruity rather than anything resembling actual fruits to me… like blue raspberry Jolly Ranchers, something along those lines. Whisked one teaspoon of matcha in a cup of cold coconut milk to sample first before adding the other smoothie ingredients (mango and a bit of yogurt). I don’t prefer sampling with coconut milk since the coconut carries such a strong and sweet flavor itself, but I really need to use that carton up before it goes off, so it is what it is!
Oof, that is sweet. Granted, this is a sugared matcha in a sweet milk, but… how did Daylon describe it? A “diabetic’s suicidal wet dream”? Yes. That. And that over-the-top sweetness is probably the one part that does make me think of bubblegum… though the flavors are still pulling me toward other sugary sweets. I’m getting a very artificial/candy-like berry flavor (it doesn’t bother me, but I definitely notice the “chalky” nature of the flavor that others described), and, oddly enough, a sweet pineapple note… I do wonder if the coconut milk is just tricking my brain into tasting pineapple from it since they so often compliment each other, though.
Added the mango and yogurt and smoothied for the morning. I could smell the matcha perfectly from the mixed smoothie! Took a quick sample taste and it is still there… still that candy-like berry, but I think it tastes even a smidgeon more pineapply to me now. It’s honestly not so bad smoothie-fied.
I don’t think I hate it as much as others, but it isn’t something I’d ever feel the need to stock for myself, either. I’m actually glad I got to try it… I love bubblegum and I think it would be interesting if I ever found a tea that actually nailed the “pink bubblegum” flavor down (I love pink bubblegum ice cream!)
Flavors: Artificial, Berry, Candy, Fruity, Pineapple, Sweet
Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever had a bubblegum tea yet, especially one that I actually remember tasting like bubblegum.
As I drank my smoothie today, I got a new flavor note (still not bubblegum!) which was that really purple candy/Kool-Aid grape flavor.