Followed by 41 Tea Drinkers

Superanna 52 followers

I live in NC with my Irish husband and our two furbabies, Olaf the Hedgehog a...

TeaGinner 142 followers

I am a tech-savvy tea enthusiast that loves playing guitar and drinking tea!

TeaPerspective 37 followers

Just here to try some new teas and network with other tea lovers from around ...

Bluechai 110 followers

Bluechai is organic blue tea made from fresh butterfly pea flowers. Its rich,...

Sabeer Khan 2 followers

Hi…..I am sabeera khan from India.I lives in jaipur and work with a astrology...

Kopiko 3 followers




I prefer green tea varieties with a focus on high theanine content.

I generally make my teas using a 10 oz. double wall glass tumbler. Alternately I sometimes use a smaller 8 oz. glass tea infuser. More recently I’Ive fallen in love with a little 5 oz. double wall glass w/ filter kit from Finum. It’s kinda awesome. I prepare the occasional Black or Oolong teas mostly in a Yixing clay or porcelain teapot. I’ve been known to bust out the Gaiwan every now and then too. Basically whatever catches my fancy.

My usual tall glass brewing method:

My rating system:

I’ve never really felt compelled to include a rating guide here, but upon reflection I noticed something; I think I’ve subconsciously been rating teas like my papers were graded when I was a kid in school. Do with it what you will.

90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
<59 = F(ail)

I can quit any time.

PS- Any runners out there can find me on Strava.


Burbank, CA, USA

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