drank Valerian Nights by DAVIDsTEA
767 tasting notes

My weekend guest from Winnipeg brought me a sampler of de-stress teas as a gift. She said she knew I was going to be stressed about moving to Mom’s at the end of March. She’s right. I do not want to go back to the childhood home. But mom is in her mid 80s. She has dementia. My older brother lives there as her primary caretaker with power of attorney. But she doesn’t want him washing her hair etc, and doesn’t want a stranger to come in and hel.. So my stuff goes into a rented storage cube and I go to Mom’s. Yeah, my friend is wise: I am stressed.

I am not generally a fan of chamomile, but it’s not prominent in this one. I wouldn’t have classified this one as a dessert tea. It’s not, really, but neither is it a medicine tea. The coconut flavor comes out pretty well in this one. Also something a bit sweet, like caramel or brown sugar. I don’t think I catch the valerian, which is strange. That has a very strong and repugnant (to me) scent. I’m glad it doesn’t come through.

So I can and I do recommend this tea. A nice way to end a busy, windy day.

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Coconut

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

If you need to talk now or later, you can PM me. I understand. Be kind to yourself. It is hard to lay everything down to be a caregiver. You are doing something few will do. Many here have walked through this, and will lend a kind and listening ear. Everything you do for her will be a beautiful act of love and kindness that came through sacrifice, and that is an awesome thing. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, whether it is a listening ear or someone who can do the dishes and give you some time to sit and read. You’ve got this! Hugs from afar…

Maddy Barone

Thank you, ashmanra! I will keep that in mind. My city offers a “Train the Caretaker” workshop which I am signed up for. At least my brother will be there and we can share the load. And as of now mom can still dress herself and use the bathroom etc. Since I’m a telecommuter I will be in the house while my brother works. We’ll see how it goes. I will certainly take you up on your offer of a sympathetic ear when I get stressed.


Ditto on everything ashmanra just said. It isn’t an easy road. Will be praying that your initial transition goes smoothly.

Maddy Barone

Thank you, gmathis.

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If you need to talk now or later, you can PM me. I understand. Be kind to yourself. It is hard to lay everything down to be a caregiver. You are doing something few will do. Many here have walked through this, and will lend a kind and listening ear. Everything you do for her will be a beautiful act of love and kindness that came through sacrifice, and that is an awesome thing. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, whether it is a listening ear or someone who can do the dishes and give you some time to sit and read. You’ve got this! Hugs from afar…

Maddy Barone

Thank you, ashmanra! I will keep that in mind. My city offers a “Train the Caretaker” workshop which I am signed up for. At least my brother will be there and we can share the load. And as of now mom can still dress herself and use the bathroom etc. Since I’m a telecommuter I will be in the house while my brother works. We’ll see how it goes. I will certainly take you up on your offer of a sympathetic ear when I get stressed.


Ditto on everything ashmanra just said. It isn’t an easy road. Will be praying that your initial transition goes smoothly.

Maddy Barone

Thank you, gmathis.

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I love cats. I love alone time. I love sitting indoors on a cold winter night with a book or my knitting while drinking tea. I don’t have a sense of smell, so many of the more subtle flavors of tea escape me. Two of the things I CAN taste are bitter and sour, so any tea that has even a slightly bitter taste is nasty for me. And what others might perceive as pleasant tartness may be horribly sour for me.

I’m also a writer. I love writing, and a mug of hot tea helps me get through the hours sitting in front of the computer. Although I’m a comparatively new tea drinker, I’m jumping in feet first. Feel free to recommend any teas you think I might enjoy.

100-91 – Wowza! I want to keep this tea in the cupboard all the time.
75-90 – Very nice. It would be good to have this tea on hand from time to time.
60-74 – OK. Wouldn’t keep it in the cupboard, but I would drink it again.
45-59 – If a friend served this I would drink it to be polite, but it’s not really my cuppa.
Lower than 45 – Blech. It was too sour or bitter for my taste. Would not drink it again.


Fargo, ND



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