Are we lucky to live at a time in which teas—delicious teas!— are available to us through the internet, or what? Just think of it, 30 years ago few of us would have had such easy access to small unique tea companies like A Quarter 2 Tea. We would still have access to well established tea companies, and that is good. There are several teas from the grocery store that I enjoy like Twinings, Stash, and Celestial Seasonings, but I love the variety available from the small tea makers.
This tea is an excellent example of something you just cannot find at the grocery store. Honeybush and Rooibos, caffeine free. Lightly sweet but not cloying. A smooth delicious flavor. I’m a happy camper tonight.
Just the tea name alone makes me melt into a little cozy puddle and wish I were at home with a Redwall book :)
You are definitely right, that we live in a glorious time to be able to enjoy such luxuries. The title of this one sounds epically delicious.