This was a gift from a friend. She passed on several bagged teas to me. Since I’m on a horridly high dose of prednisone right now, sleep is hard to capture. So NO CAFFEINE TEA after 5pm!!!
Last night I made this one. I am not a fan of chamomile, but it’s supposed to help relax you, right? This didn’t taste absolutely horrible, but it wasn’t my fave. Again, I don’t like chamomile, so it’s probably not fair for me to even rate this. Do you have suggestions for calming, soothing evening teas?
I find that rooibos works for me. Flavoured or unflavoured. I think it’s the Magnesium in it that works as a relaxant. It works better for me than other bed time Teas.
I’m not a huge fan of rooibos, but I do have two from Lupicia, Captain Kidd, and Golden Melon. I’ll give the melon a try tonight. Thanks yyz!
I find that rooibos works for me. Flavoured or unflavoured. I think it’s the Magnesium in it that works as a relaxant. It works better for me than other bed time Teas.
I’m not a huge fan of rooibos, but I do have two from Lupicia, Captain Kidd, and Golden Melon. I’ll give the melon a try tonight. Thanks yyz!
I’m a big Tulsi fan.
I haven’t heard of Tulsi. i’ll have to give that one a look up. Thanks!
I get mine very inexpensively by the ounce at local health food/indie grocery place. Tastes to me a little like lemon and cloves. Very few herbal remedies unknot my knots—this helps, although it doesn’t put me to sleep.