2004 Zi-yin (Nannuo) Maocha
Wistaria Tea House
Sample purchased from Liquid Proust Teas
On an unrelated note, the pinyin for this tea’s name is Zi yun (from 紫蕴, no idea what it means), but Wistaria themselves lists as Zi yin so probably a typo
6.6g, 100 mL gaiwan, 212f, mix of Brita/complex syrup/Poland spring bottled water
Dry leaf smells dark, but not musty. Something sort of sour
17s rinse
Wet leaf is a minty light smoke that also has tinge of both sweet and sour note
Leaf is a mix of colors, lighter in color than I expected
5s: light fruity taste w slight bitterness. Also a weird rubbery note, though slight. Sweet aftertaste and slight drying
10s: a stronger bitter note, like something burnt.
15s: similar fruity bitter. Slight focusing, calming
16s: darker fruity bitter profile. Astringent, light sweetness
18s: bitter smoky note with fruity edges. Sugared, crisp aftertaste 15s: bitter fruity. Slight sweetness lingers in aftertaste
15s: bitter fruity. Slight sweetness lingers in aftertaste
18s: rubbery note amidst bitter fruity.
35s: similar, less fruity. Slight astringency
1 min: stronger than before, but similar taste. LP mentioned a wet stone storage note, and I can see why, though I would probably be more inclined to call it an off sort of rubbery note. A light bitter aftertaste, slightly bright. Feeling a little bit zoned out.
1 min: much lightened in both bitterness and the same wet stone/rubber note
2 min: a mostly hollowed out bitter taste
5 min. 20s: similar, w/ slight fruity edge. Will thermos
Overall: slight warming, a bit zoned out feeling. Initially sweeter before turning towards a more bitter profile. Not too medicinal on this one. Not a favorite profile-wise, probably wouldn’t repurchase. Thermos brew had a slight plummy note.