Edit 7/13: I rechecked the Three Bears site and it looks like they’ve restocked. Not sure I can recommend as wholeheartedly at the current price point (nearly double the previous price if I’m remembering right), but worth trying I suppose. I’ll probably ration the rest of my tiny bag.

Late 1990s “Farmer Style” Heishi Mountain Large Tree Aged Raw Liu Bao

Reviews that are already on Three Bears’ site from the likes of legends such as Phyll Sheng should be enough to convince people (swung me enough to purchase a 50g pack since the larger sizes were out of stock even when I balked initially at why any Liu Bao should cost so much/g), but I’ll add my two cents here anyway. (I’ll also note that I’m a sucker for silly novelties/trivialities like having tea that’s older than I am.)

6.0g, 100 mL gaiwan, a mix of Poland spring and brita filtered water, 212f

dry leaves have a light dry stored smell, but that’s it. Lots of stems in here mixed in with the curled leaves, which was initially a bit offturning.

tea in prewarmed gaiwan didn’t enhance much in terms of aromatics

2x 5s rinse, plenty of saponins in the first so I did a second when I usually do just one. Smell of rinse has a strong medicinal hint, maybe angelica root/female ginseng (当归, something I remember my mom sticking into a bunch of broths at home)?

wet leaves have taken on a more medicinal hint, but I can’t fully place it either

gaiwan lid has a distinct warm sandalwood note (if I am to believe that the Tam Dao bottle I have represents true sandalwood), that I have never smelled in a tea before

7s: woody medicinal, almost something bitter, but not quite. Something lightly sweet that lingers. A slight cooling taste that lingers and fills mouth

10s: hint of something charred, but otherwise similar to before. something about this tea makes me want to sit and enjoy it slowly forever. not sure if it’s because it’s finals season and I’m just tired of everything though

15s: something about the lightly sweet, woody medicinal taste is deeply pleasant in a way I’ve never felt about well, drinking something ostensibly like a TCM concoction rather than for fun. words don’t quite do this justice.

20s: similar to before
30s:pleasant. a slight menthol lurking, leaving a soft peppery feeling in mouth

48s: lightening

1 min: sweeter, but losing deeper depth

2min: similar to before. still pleasant nonetheless.

3 min: light medicinal sweetness

thermos: grainy in that way of thermos’d aged sheng, with a hint of smoke and faded florals. Also woody medicinal notes, with the medicinal notes lingering slightly.

I don’t know if this is for everyone, since I doubt I would’ve enjoyed this particularly when I first started exploring teas and thought everything darker tasted like smoke and medicine (I was also in the terrible first time puer experience party where people end up avoiding puer for a long time afterwards due to trying bad puer initially). But generally, likes are harder to explain than dislikes, and this is likely the case here too. I can’t quite fully express why I feel this tea is so good, it just is. Definitely worth a shot if you like aged teas with a bit of depth in the woody medicinal notes.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML
derk 4 years ago

Sounds good to me! And a vendor I’ve not heard of :)

m2193 4 years ago

@derk https://www.teaforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1996 A little blurb about it here and r/tea is how I found out about it! Three Bears specializes in Liu Bao, so definitely something a smaller subsect of even the much more than average interest in tea Westerner knows about/cares for. I emailed Jason the other day and he said he’ll likely be adding some new teas this weekend, but bigger sizes of this LB in particular probably won’t be until late June/July. I’ve tried most of the things I have from them now (have yet to try the Betelnut, medicine, and the two new LB samplers; fwiw, IK others reviewing on the site have had plenty of good to say about other options, but I thought the rest I’ve tried ranged from okay to good but wouldn’t repurchase), but this is the one I’d definitely recommend trying out of their catalog.

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derk 4 years ago

Sounds good to me! And a vendor I’ve not heard of :)

m2193 4 years ago

@derk https://www.teaforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1996 A little blurb about it here and r/tea is how I found out about it! Three Bears specializes in Liu Bao, so definitely something a smaller subsect of even the much more than average interest in tea Westerner knows about/cares for. I emailed Jason the other day and he said he’ll likely be adding some new teas this weekend, but bigger sizes of this LB in particular probably won’t be until late June/July. I’ve tried most of the things I have from them now (have yet to try the Betelnut, medicine, and the two new LB samplers; fwiw, IK others reviewing on the site have had plenty of good to say about other options, but I thought the rest I’ve tried ranged from okay to good but wouldn’t repurchase), but this is the one I’d definitely recommend trying out of their catalog.

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Just a chronicle of a stranger’s tea journey. Keeping old notes up to see progression, but no longer really believe in all of them. Trying to learn!! Weekend warrior mostly now; work is tough.

As of 4/21/21, I will no longer assign numerical ratings to a tea unless it is terrible enough to warrant one. There are a fair amount of solid teas out there, and reading mildly subjective reviews from others > very subjective numerical rating that gets skewed by Steepster’s calculating system anyway.
