drank Peach Melba by Tlicious
113 tasting notes

I had this tea as an iced tea on a very warm summer’s day and it was brilliant. Tlicious is one of the places that does a wonderful traditional, fresh-brewed iced tea with sugar syrup in a large glass.

When I poured this tea it was a bright magenta colour and I could definitely taste the peach, the blackberry leaves and the apple. While it is a very sweet tea it has a natural sweetness and the tea is well-balanced. I’m not sure if I would enjoy this tea hot, it seems to be a very summery, sweet tea but I love this tea iced – it’s a classic.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Tea student, lover of loose-leaf mixtures, chai-ist and professional peppermint propagandist. Frequenter of teahouses, tearooms and tea shops. Partaker in tea rituals, ceremonies and tea times. Protector of a tea library, cabinet or cupboard. Steep, simmer, steam, a pot, a pitcher or a mug. Gunpowder green, rose black and plum white. While waiting for another kettle tea-twitter will be an outlet for me.
After all that, I suppose the only question left is:

More tea, vicar?

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