This is my first puerh from Teavivre. It’s relatively new tea territory for me having tasted half a dozen or so puerhs so far. I picked this up because I wanted to try an aged sheng. . My first few cups were delicious, but later on I had to fight through some serious bitterness.

I used just under 8g of tea in a 120ml shibo for this. The dry leaf had a faint smell of sweet earth and incense. It was noticeably less intense than other sheng puerhs I’ve tried. Wet leaf smelled of wet wood and tobacco. Normally I use very short steeping times for puerh, but increased my steep times as recommended by some reviewers.

After a rinse, I steeped it for about 30 seconds using just under boiling water. It tasted of sweet leather with slightly smokey undertones. A second 30s steep was a nice woodsy and wet forest like flavor. The third infusion was for 35s at boiling. Earthy sweet with a little bitterness beginning to creep in.

The next 4 infusions were pretty rough. Encountered lots of bitterness forcing me to reach for some sweets to cleanse my palette. I had to chuck the 7th steep and call it a day because the bitterness became just too much.

Overall, I quite enjoyed the sweet, complex taste of the early steeps but wished the flavor had carried over to the later infusions.

Flavors: Earth, Fruity, Smoke, Wet Wood

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 30 sec 8 g 4 OZ / 120 ML
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Ken 8 years ago

Lower the temp 10 degrees, and take 5 seconds off the brew time. Even at 10 years its still kinda green and bitterness can creep in.

LuckyMe 8 years ago

This is interesting, I always thought puerhs needed hotter water. I’ll tweak my brewing parameters next time and see how it goes. Thanks for the tip.

Ken 8 years ago

The older it is the more it needs the heat, a young raw is still pretty green, and you can get away with lower heat. I had to do this with the immortal monkey raw min tou from yunnan sourcing, it was small very green leaves and the first time I brewed it, bitterfest, I lowered the temp to about 190-195 and shortened the steep a little and it was much better.

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Ken 8 years ago

Lower the temp 10 degrees, and take 5 seconds off the brew time. Even at 10 years its still kinda green and bitterness can creep in.

LuckyMe 8 years ago

This is interesting, I always thought puerhs needed hotter water. I’ll tweak my brewing parameters next time and see how it goes. Thanks for the tip.

Ken 8 years ago

The older it is the more it needs the heat, a young raw is still pretty green, and you can get away with lower heat. I had to do this with the immortal monkey raw min tou from yunnan sourcing, it was small very green leaves and the first time I brewed it, bitterfest, I lowered the temp to about 190-195 and shortened the steep a little and it was much better.

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My Rating Criteria:

95 to 100: Top shelf stuff. Loved this tea and highly recommend it

90 to 94: Excellent. Enjoyed this tea and would likely repurchase

80 to 89: Good but not great. I liked it though it may be lacking in some aspects. I’ll finish it but probably won’t buy again

70 to 79: Average at best. Not terrible but wouldn’t willingly drink again

60 to 69: Sub-par. Low quality tea, barely palatable

59 and below: Bleh

Fell into tea many years ago and for a long time my experience was limited to Japanese greens and flavored Teavana teas. My tea epiphany happened when I discovered jade oolongs. That was my gateway drug to the world of high quality tea and teaware.

For the most part, I drink straight tea but do appreciate a good flavored tea on occasion. I love fresh green and floral flavors and as such, green tea and Taiwanese oolongs will always have a place in my cupboard. After avoiding black tea forever, Chinese blacks have started to grow on me. I’m less enthusiastic about puerh though. I also enjoy white tea and tisanes but reach for them less frequently.

Other non-tea interests include: cooking, reading, nature, philosophy, MMA, traveling when I can, and of course putzing around on the interwebs.

IG: https://www.instagram.com/melucky


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