Followed by 16 Tea Drinkers

AllanK 396 followers

I am Allan. I live and work in Long Island, New York. I have been amassing a ...

Liquid Proust 637 followers

Tea Enthusiast / Tea Drunk . . To...

MadHatterTeaDrunk 137 followers

Mostly drinking sheng/shou puerh. Gongfu daily; western brew at work. More to...

eastkyteaguy 214 followers

My grading criteria for tea is as follows: 90-100: Exceptional. I love this s...

Bluegreen 79 followers

I like to drink teas to recreate a specific mood, or just to take a break at ...

MegrisoftUK 0 followers




I don’t pay too much attention to the number scores I give teas — they’re just an approximation of my feelings on them, so if you really want you know what I thought you’ll need to read the whole, longwinded tasting note.


Snohomish, WA

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