drank Neapolitan Honeybush by 52teas
267 tasting notes

In the bag this smells just like astronaut ice cream, which was fine by me. I love astronaut ice cream (and in Houston, aka “Space City” it’s not too hard to find, but always overpriced.) I’m so glad this is a honeybush blend, as I don’t like to drink caffeine, and I believe that black tea would have drowned the other flavors out pretty thoroughly.

I’m not sure what cacao nibs are adding to this mix (they tend to taste pretty cardboardy to me, anyway), but I definitely taste the strawberry and vanilla.

Scratch that, I do taste cacao. Not chocolate, but cacao.

Hm, I think I do like this. It’s odd, and certainly not my favorite in my cabinet, but I like it.

This is an ’it’s okay’ tea day for me.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Did you sweeten it at all? I liked it a lot better after I sweetened it (just a little sweetener; easy to overdo it on this one).


No, I’m going to try that next. I haven’t been liking the way sweetner tastes in my tea this week. I was too afraid of making this one too sweet! Next brew I’ll try that though.

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Did you sweeten it at all? I liked it a lot better after I sweetened it (just a little sweetener; easy to overdo it on this one).


No, I’m going to try that next. I haven’t been liking the way sweetner tastes in my tea this week. I was too afraid of making this one too sweet! Next brew I’ll try that though.

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Grad student in sociocultural anthropology. I drink tea while reading for my courses, and it makes the books go down easier. I genuinely like most kinds of tea – although fruit tisanes kind of scare me.


Houston, Texas, United States

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