Following 4 Tea Drinkers

Oolong Owl 772 followers

I’m a tea blogger – The Oolong Owl – I do tea reviews, obs...

Bonnie 488 followers

Colorado Grandma 73 3/4 as of January 2022 Grandmother to 10. (we all drink ...

TeaEqualsBliss 1788 followers

Near Vegan. Tea Lover. Yoga. Crafter. Music. Sports. Travel. Radio. ...

Azzrian 484 followers

Most of my reviews will be “snippits” of full reviews that can be found at ht...



Howdy y’all

Ah hurr be yer closest thang to a “Teavangelist.” Don’t get me wrong. Ah ain’t one o’ those evangelicals who be thumpin’ Bahbles in yo’ faces. Fo’ me, it be all ’bout that tea.

Problems with green tea? Don’ lahk dat bitter taste? Better control dat temperture. Use a stainless steel pan and wait for those “shrimp eyes” to start blinkin’ atcha from the bottom o’ dat pan. At a higher elevation lahk me, wait for da shrimp eyes to turn into “crab eyes” and it will be a good temperture for ya. If it be a good green tea den it best not be gettin bitter on ya. Udderwahs, you best be asking fo yo money back!

Any other questions, e-mail me at!



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