Yunnan Jin Kong Que (Golden Peacock)
Origin: Yunnan Province
Vintage 2010
Dry Leaf: Scents of sweet tobacco, dried plum, dried apple. Leaves are tiny twisted brown and gold threads within the compressed cake.
Method: 4 oz porcelain Gong Fu pot
2 tsp tea – 4oz H20
200F 30” rinse/45”/45”
Wet Leaf: The small twists have unfurled a bit and are dark brown with scents of prune, wood, and sweet tobacco.
Liquor: beautiful deep plum, scents of the wood and prune
Flavor: Wood, smooth, sweet prune, no bitter, rich, subtle vanilla in the finish.
Definitely taste after a meal because it is heavy on the stomach.
Thank you to Yezi Tea for this sample with purchase!!
Flavors: Apple, Plum, Tobacco, Vanilla, Wood