This tea smells so good, roasted and warm little rolled tea leaves.
Brewed, the liquor is a dark amber jewel color and smells like roasted nuts and baked cookies.
Whoooaaaa!! The flavor is very delicious!!!! Creamy roasted goodness. I love Da Hong Pao and this one is rivaling that as my favorite roasty tea!!!!
I am glad I chose to take this down to 195 F. I am getting to where I don’t want to brew any tea at 212 F,,,it is too hot for the leaves for me. I love my tea kettle where I can set the temp that I want and 195 still gets the leaves to open and keeps them from being burned.
The wet leaves are all opened and a dark green color, as if they roasted them first and then rolled them (but I know nothing of how they create these wonderful teas).
It has that burnt sugar color and flavor in crème brûlee that I love. This is definitely a very yummy, complex, and worth getting more kind of tea!!!
Flavors: Caramel, Cream, Nuts