drank Big Red Robe by TeaSource
5 tasting notes

A nice sample of Big Red Robe that has a fairly mellow smokiness in the initial infusions, with an interesting taste of wet slate in the middle infusions. Fairly dynamic flavor range. I brewed this with a gaiwan, and have found even better results brewing it with a yixing. I have a friend that has brewed it western style, and the first infusion is the best, with the subsequent ones being considerably less enjoyable. So brewing style really has a big effect on extracting this teas full potential. If done well, its quite satisfying.

Longer review of this tea and how I brewed it is here:

Flavors: Apple, Smoke, Smooth, Wet Rocks

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 tsp 150 OZ / 4436 ML

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My first love were loose leaf, chinese green teas. I enjoy oolongs, sheng puer and red tea.

As of late, I’m particularly interested in more naturally grown, living tea



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