I’ve been whittling away at my samples the last few days, and today’s afternoon chopping block features Red Velvet by Herbal Infusions.
This wasn’t my favorite. A woody, malty, thick rooibos hits you first. Then there’s a cloying syrup/molasses sweetness with a hint of chocolate and a bit of rhubarb-ish tartness. Hibiscus, I guessed?
I just checked the listing. Turns out there’s some raspberry (the tart) and vanilla (the sweetness) in this mix. My palate, though not as bad as it once was, still isn’t perfect.
Although I wasn’t particularly moved by this blend, the girl I share an office with is besotted. She took one sip and whispered “wow.”
So I gave her the rest of my sample. She’s taking difficult classes this semester, and deserves some nice tea.