This is one of our favorites in the category, as both a standalone and… as a base for creative expressive custom tea making (which I excel at, apparently, as people hover like gnats on overripe fruit when I am concocting things)… it is very fresh… Quiet the mind? No. More the opposite—to me it is bright, energetic, and did I mention super duper iced? I like it stronger than suggested, and since it’s herbal, it is great to just let steep a long time. I love taking this as a minty base, fresh lemongrass (I love the stuff), some ginger, NZ Rose apple peels (they are very aromatic), sometimes extra rosehips or petals… the peel from a meyer lemon, and stuff I’m undoubtedly forgetting… local honey, sometimes lemon juice, sometimes not… and we’re set for what we devour after a long few hours working (physical labor or workout) or just a hot summer day, again, cold… but it is also delightful hot on its own.It’s the only Republic of Tea kind we liked enough to get a whole bag of (as in a pound or two, however much the huge bulk one is), and we zip through it pretty dern fast.
8 min or more