Following 28 Tea Drinkers

Twilight 66 followers

I’m at the point where my family, friends and coworkers ask me for tea advice...

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA 505 followers

I’m 33 years old, studying pharmacy, and have a surly cat named Bin. I love t...

cuppa_fox 32 followers

I cave, bike, read and drink tea! I spend far too much time on LibraryThing w...

gmathis 565 followers

Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, p...

Gata Tea 27 followers

I am a writer, world traveller and all around genius. In real life, I work 9-...

cnrenner 12 followers

staffordcastle 24 followers

I’ve been drinking tea since, at the age of about 12, I got fed up with cocoa...

pollyscup 15 followers

I’ve been a tea drinker since I was about seven years old. My grandmother wou...

Suzi 109 followers

I love books on tea, but not tea on books.

Stacers1973 19 followers

Tea drinker… book reader … beach bum … tillamook peach ice cream eater … mom ...



I love tea, books, beautiful aromas and bubble baths. The Pacific Northwest provides the sort of weather that makes tea-drinking a very cozy experience.


Washington State, USA

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