Confession time: I love Dreamsicles. I love orange sherbet, gelato, sorbet. I love clementines. So I was predisposed to either love this guayusa like crazy, or hate it for not living up to my expectations.
I LOVE IT. This was my first try at a guayusa and my first Butiki Tea. I just received the order today and had had a good whiff of it (ok, fine, I practically shoved half the bag up my nose) when my girlfriend asked me to make her some tea. What kind? I ask. Something good, she says. So I decide to make this.
Oh, the taste. It’s amazing. The tangerine flavor is so real. It’s juicy and fruity yet not overwhelming. The creaminess in the background is just enough. Some teas with a creamy mouthfeel leave your tongue and palate feeling sort of coated. Not this tea. It’s only refreshing. There is a slight earthiness from the guayusa. It’s all good. This will have a permanent home in my pantry!