Tea 2/6 from the fruit tea sampler I got off of amazon. I bought these teas with the intention of making pitchers of iced tea, however this tea sounded like it might be better hot, so I made it two ways: iced and hot.
For the hot tea I boiled a mug of water and steeped the bag in it for one min. The taste of the tea is very mild ginger with a stronger presence of what tastes to be lemon juice. After reading the ingredients I was surprised to learn there was hibiscus in this tea. I suppose that’s what’s giving the tea a sour-lemon juice taste: the hibiscus is pairing up with the lemon ingredients. Either way, I didn’t care for this hot sour drink; it kind of tasted like neo-citron with a mild touch of ginger.
For the cold tea I steeped a tea bag in a glass of water in the fridge for 2 hours. I must say, I do like this version better. For better or for worse, the ginger is even more mild in the cold tea form, and the sourness is toned down as well. It still tastes like someone put a touch of lemon juice in, but it’s not tasting like neo-citron.
Overall, this tea is alright, but I dunno if I would repurchase. Generally when I buy lemon-ginger teas I prefer no sour notes (so either the lemon comes from lemongrass or lemon myrtle- no hibiscus) and in my opinion the ginger should be stronger. I will use this up by making iced teas, but usually I prefer my lemon teas hot. This tea is alright cold, but I have had better iced teas too. So for me, this tea juts doesn’t fit well under iced teas or hot herbal teas- I’ve had better teas in each category. This is still better than acai berry from Stash, but so far the two teas I’ve had from Stash have been kind of “meh”.
Flavors: Lemon, Sour