drank Coconut Almond by Zenjala Tea Company
1719 tasting notes

I checked, I got this in July 2012. I have one mug left after today. It still tastes as fresh as the day I got it. When I drink flavored tea, I want the additions to be light. Earl Grey being the main exception even here I want to taste tea. This one, to me, is pretty highly flavored. The coconut and almond taste natural, in fact there are big shreds of both in the scoop. I can taste tea but would personally prefer the additions be toned down. Based on other’s reviews of flavored teas I am probably in the minority. It is very good just a touch over the top for my tastes.

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K.S. passed away in late April. There will be no more postings from him. Thank you.

My Rating System

90-100 Love it enough to keep around
80-90 Like a lot, would drink often
70-80 Above average
50-70 Average – take it or leave it
0-50 I don’t like it and don’t want to like it


Indiana, USA



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