It’s a nice day here and I’m sitting on the front porch working and drinking tea. The cottonwoods are blowing, so its a challenge to keep the fluff out of the tea. If you have never seen cottonwoods (a cottonwood is a tree) in the spring, imagine that someone took cottonballs and shredded them and then threw them in the air. It looks like it’s lightly snowing, but it’s not. It’s 70 degrees.

On to the tea…
The leaves unbrewed in the bag have a peachy smell. I don’t know if that is just that some other sample leached some scent or not. The leaves had some large pieces of vanilla bean mixed in. Brewed, the tea smells earthy with a hint of vanilla. The taste is a nice black tea without bitterness with a touch of vanilla. I’d personally love more vanilla in this tea but I like my vanilla teas to have a big punch (just my personal preference).

2.5 tsp to a giant mug.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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Rating Scale:
90-100 – Love it. Must order this one again.
75-90 – Pretty good. Maybe I’ll order it again.
60-75 – It’s ok. Drinkable. It’s not my thing, but someone else might love it. Won’t order again.
50-60 – Meh. I wish I hadn’t ordered it, but i’ll finish this cup.
30-60 – Barely drinkable. – Throwing away/giving away the rest of this one.
0-30 – Went down the drain. Too sad to even pass along to friends.


Salt Lake City, UT



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