This tea is so yummy! When I was a kid, little wild strawberries grew all over my grandmothers property in the mountains of North Carolina. We’d go out and pick them by the bucketload and then my grandmother would make strawberry cobbler with drop biscuit dumplings. That is exactly what this tea tastes like. It’s like biting into warm cooked strawberries that are sweet and slightly tart. I only have a sample of this and I’m sure it will be gone in no time but it will definitely be on my reorder list. I have to say that I am normally disappointed in fruit herbals, but this one is great.

I added a touch of agave nectar to this before I even tasted it. It probably doesn’t need it.

Steeped 10 min as suggested on package. Used 2 tsp for about 11 oz.

Update – as it is cooling, I am starting to pick up some floral notes, but they are definitely background flavors.

Update – had to lower my rating as the whole bag that I got after this sample does not taste the same. The whole bag is much more floral.

185 °F / 85 °C 8 min or more

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Rating Scale:
90-100 – Love it. Must order this one again.
75-90 – Pretty good. Maybe I’ll order it again.
60-75 – It’s ok. Drinkable. It’s not my thing, but someone else might love it. Won’t order again.
50-60 – Meh. I wish I hadn’t ordered it, but i’ll finish this cup.
30-60 – Barely drinkable. – Throwing away/giving away the rest of this one.
0-30 – Went down the drain. Too sad to even pass along to friends.


Salt Lake City, UT



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